
You must define a relation user on the entity model that you want to share. The relation should return the user of that entity.

To share your entity with other users, visit:


For example, if you want to open Sharedo for a project model with id 123, then visit:


Note: The entity_name should have the same name as that of the database migration corresponding to the model that you want to share.

Note: Sharedo sends error messages back to your application in the error props.

If you invite a user who is not present in your database, Sharedo automatically creates it in your users table. Also, a new entry is inserted into the new_users_sharedo table referencing the user's id as a foreign key and has_ever_logged_in property is set to false.
This can help you differentiate between the users created by Sharedo and users created by the usual sign-up flow.

To restrict other users from accessing your entities, you have to explicitly use the Bouncer methods here.

Note: Uses who are given write access to the entity can also share that entity with other users.